Maryland Physicians Care



Maryland Medicaid requires you
to renew your coverage.

Do not let your Medicaid Benefits expire.
Keep your Maryland Physicians Care coverage.

Medicaid renewals will not be automatic this year, and you will have to renew your coverage.

If you have moved or have a new phone number, log into your account at or call 855-642-8572 to update your contact information so that you will receive your notice when it is time for you to renew.

To keep your coverage with MPC,

Here is what to do:

  1. Watch for your Renewal Notice. A renewal notice will be sent to you by Maryland Health Connection. You will receive your notice by mail or online through your Maryland Health Connection account. This notice will tell you to complete your renewal.
  2. When you receive your notice from Maryland Health Connection, log into your account at or call 855-642-8572.
  3. Renew your coverage as soon as you receive your notice.

If you do not renew, you will lose your health benefits.

  • Don’t wait.
  • Don’t let your MPC Medicaid coverage expire.
  • Complete your renewal when you receive it!
Help Is Here - English<br />

Get help online, in person, or by phone.


Pharmacy Co-Pay Changes

As of May 1, 2024, Maryland Medicaid began requiring all Maryland HealthChoice MCO health plans to charge a retail prescription drug co-payment. This means that MPC is required to follow this rule. Maryland Medicaid will make MPC members over the age of 21 start paying a co-payment for pharmacy medications. Members under age 21, members who are pregnant, and members who are Native American Indian do not have to pay a co-payment.

The copays are:

  •   $3 for non-preferred/brand-name medications
  •   $1 for preferred/generic medications/HIV AIDS drugs

Excluded from copays:

  •   Family planning medications
  •   Other waivers for co-payments may apply

MPC does offer 90-day supplies for select preferred generic medications with a $1 copay. Medications included in the 90-day supply select preferred program are for treatment of diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

If you have any questions about this change, please contact our Customer Services Department at 800-953-8854 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Population Health Management Overview

Population Health Management (PHM) offers programs to keep members healthy. MPC offers help to members at risk for things such as substance abuse, asthma, or needing a screening. These programs are reviewed each year, and programs are updated or added.

A Care Manager may connect with you to support your health needs. Members with chronic conditions benefit from these programs. If you have been hospitalized recently, the Transitional Care Team may contact you. They are there to reduce emergency visits and coordinate care.

For more details, call Member Services at 1-800-953-8854.


Care Management Overview

Do you worry about a health condition or illness? Were you recently in the hospital or currently expecting a baby? Does your child have a diagnosis you would like more information on or need more help with? MPC is able to assist with your concerns or questions with our FREE Care Management Program.

The Care Management Program is here to help with concerns or questions regarding your health. It is a team-based approach designed to help MPC Members and families manage medical conditions effectively. Our Nurses, Health Educators, Community Health Workers, and Social Workers are highly trained and excited to collaborate with you and your family.

  • The programs are here to provide education on your health conditions. Education can assist you with better understanding health issues like high blood pressure, COPD, asthma, diabetes, or cancer.
  • The team is also able to assist with transportation needs for getting to appointments and finding resources in your community that may meet other needs.
  • Care Managers can help you understand health program benefits, teach you to manage your illness and medications, locate doctors, or assist in changing your primary care doctor or specialist.

MPC wants to make sure you have support and assistance with managing your health-related issues. Our team is highly trained in many areas, and they’re just a phone call away. The Care Management Team can be reached at 1-800-953-8854.

Men’s Health

Men's Health

Men’s Health Awareness is focused on health issues that affect men both mentally and physically. Men’s health is not only important for themselves, but to their families and friends as well.

Preventive care and regular check-ups are needed for early detection of issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or certain cancers. These conditions are often treatable and manageable when caught early.

Mental health is included in a man’s healthy lifestyle. It is something that should not be overlooked. Social norms look down on men for seeking help, but seeking help for your mental health is a sign of courage. Acknowledging things are not ok and reaching out for support is brave.

Mental health symptoms in men are different than in women. Men who are depressed tend to show signs of anger, take part in substance use, and engage in risky behavior. These symptoms are harder to identify and lead to extended suffering. MPC offers FREE, confidential self-screening tests online here that you can take as a first step. The tests range from topics on stress to depression to alcohol use. Results are immediate and not shared with anyone unless you choose to share with your doctor.

If you are a man struggling with mental health issues, reach out to a healthcare provider to get support and guidance for concerns such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Creating routine and practicing self-care also helps. Creating healthy habits may help with coping strategies. Doing something you enjoy, like exercising, taking time for yourself, or going outside, are all ways to manage stress and prioritize yourself.

MPC provides more information on Men’s Health and Screenings on the MCP Health and Wellness Men’s Health page.

Join Belong, the Membership Rewards Program from Maryland Physicians Care, for:

  • A chance to win prizes, such as Fitbits, Blenders, Air Fryers, and Plush Blankets
  • Valuable Coupons for Grocery Stores
  • Free Gifts at MPC Well on Wheels Community Events
  • Healthy Recipes
Healthy Summer Eating

Stay Cool and Healthy with Summer Eating


Summer is finally here! This means it’s time for sunny days. It’s time to play outside and enjoy tasty treats. But did you know that eating the right foods can give you energy? You can then use that energy to enjoy your summer adventures. Here are some cool tips for eating healthy this summer.

  • Try Lots of Fruits and Veggies: When it’s hot outside, it’s important to drink lots of water. Watermelon can help. Strawberries and oranges can, too. They have lots of water. You can also snack on watery veggies. These include cucumbers, carrots, and bell peppers.
  • Drink Water: When you’re outside in the summer heat, you can get thirsty. Instead of sugary drinks like sodas, try drinking water. Water keeps you cool and healthy, and it’s the best way to quench your thirst.
  • Make Your Own Treats: Ice cream and popsicles are delicious but are full of sugar. Cut back on sugar by making your own frozen treats. You can blend strawberries with yogurt. You can also blend bananas with yogurt. Then, freeze them into healthy popsicles.
  • Grill Healthy Foods: Summer is great for BBQs! Instead of burgers and hot dogs, try grilling chicken or fish. You can also grill veggies like zucchini, corn, and asparagus. Grilled foods taste amazing and are good for you, too.
  • Watch How Much You Eat: It’s easy to eat a lot when you’re having fun, but try to eat smaller portions. Eating less can help you feel better and stay active all summer long.

Remember to stay healthy in the summer. Drink water and try grilled vegetables. Enjoy treats, but in moderation. Here’s to a summer of fun and good health!

Ready, Set, Cook!

Fruit Skewers

Fruit Skewers with Yogurt Dip

Tangy fruit and sweet yogurt make a perfect taste combination.
Recipe Source: Deliciously Healthy Family Meals

Nutrition Information
(see full recipe for more information)

Total Fat
0 g
Saturated Fat
0 g
0 g
10 mg
Total Fiber
2 g
1 g
18 g
174 mg
Vitamin A
Vitamin C

Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet.

Serving Size: 2 skewers, 1 ½ Tbsp dip
/ Servings: 4

Skin Cancer Awareness

Skin Cancer Awareness

It’s finally summer, the days are longer, and you are spending more time outdoors. While there are benefits to the sun, you also need to be aware of the risk of being exposed to the sun. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, yet the most preventable.

The main cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet rays (UV rays) from the sun or artificial sources like tanning beds or sunlamps. UV rays can damage skin cells. It is important to practice sun safety all year long, not just in the summer.

It’s important to protect your skin and be aware of the UV Index each day. The strongest UV rays are between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. standard time.


If the UV index is a three or higher, here are ways to protect yourself:

  1. Be sure to stay in the shade.
  2. Wear sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher.
  3. Cover your arms and legs.
  4. Wear a hat with a wide brim.

We all are at risk for skin cancer, yet certain characteristics have a higher risk. It’s important to be aware and protect yourself if you have skin that burns or gets red easily, have blonde or red hair, have a family history of skin cancer, or are older in age.

There are screenings available for you. Talk with your doctor about unusual moles or changes in your skin, as well as if you are a higher risk.

Being aware of the risk and your exposure to UV Rays will help keep your skin healthy and lower the chances of skin cancer in the future. Protecting yourself from the sun daily allows you to enjoy the outdoors safely.

Quit Smoking

Quitting Smoking

All health journeys are different when taking on a healthier lifestyle. If you are a current smoker, know you are not alone. Making a change in your life is a big step.

Make a plan and set a date to stop smoking. MPC can help you with a FREE “Build Your Own Quit Plan” in the self-management tools section. The plan allows you to mentally prepare yourself and your surroundings before the next step.

  • Use this time to identify the triggers causing you to smoke. Are there situations, emotions, or activities that make you want to smoke? It could be boredom, a way to let go of stress, or those around you who also smoke.
  • Choose a healthier habit to replace smoking. Try going for a walk, drinking a glass of water, or creating a change in your daily routine. These replacements can help make you feel better and help break the habits associated with smoking.
  • Find support within your day-to-day routine from family and friends or a local program in your community. Make them aware of your decision to quit smoking; having support will help in your journey.
  • It is also important to be aware and prepare for symptoms of withdrawal. Remember, the symptoms are temporary. When it gets tough, reach out to your support, stay positive, and remind yourself why you decided to quit smoking.
  • Get rest, stay hydrated, and choose a healthy habit to focus on.

Celebrate your progress! Don’t be hard on yourself.

The best way to care for yourself if you smoke is to quit. Talk with your provider; if you are a current smoker or no longer smoking, ask for assistance if you need it or request a lung cancer screening. If you need additional resources, go to Quit Smoking for additional information.

Maryland Physicians Care offers medical coverage and health benefits that are close to home.

This coverage includes access to primary and urgent care visits, pregnancy and new mother benefits, specialists care, pharmacy coverage, primary mental health services, vision and dental care* (including adults), and more. MPC’s participation in the HealthChoice program is available to Maryland Children’s Health Program or MCHP qualified recipients. Members can work within MPC’s network of doctors to find the care that is right for them.

*Dental care is provided by Maryland Healthy Smiles Dental Program (MHSDP).

award icon

Management Program

MPC’s Quality Management Program monitors members’ quality of care and services. Goals are set, data is collected, and with input from our members, providers, staff, and others, MPC takes action to make the program better. We measure all parts of the Program, including clinical and service activities such as:

  • Promoting healthcare safety with member and provider education.
  • Establishing preventive health and clinical practice guidelines. These help members understand what kind of services they need and how often they are needed.
  • Making sure members have access to qualified healthcare professionals.
  • Ensuring members receive appropriate preventive care. Examples of preventive care are:
    • Annual flu shots
    • Child immunizations (shots)
    • Eye tests
    • Cholesterol tests
    • Breast cancer screenings
    • Care for women before and after the baby is born
  • Evaluating members’ quality of care concerns and taking action when needed.
  • Conducting surveys to see if members are satisfied with the services they receive from their doctors.
  • Promoting health equity across all programs so that all members have a fair and just opportunity to attain their highest level of health.

For more information about our Quality Management Program or the member satisfaction survey results, please visit MPC Quality Improvement or contact Customer Service at 1-800-953-8854.

Health and Wellness Icon

Visit the MPC Health and Wellness Resource Center

Maryland Physicians Care wants to help our members make healthy choices for a happy life. We offer several tools and resources to help you live a happy and healthy life. The goal of Health and Wellness is to provide you with information to make the best choices for you and your children.


Self-Management Tools – Knowledge is Power!

MPC is passionate about educating members on a variety of health issues and healthy habits to live long and prosper. Do you find yourself overwhelmed or confused about what the best information is for you and your family? We make sure you are armed with knowledge and resources that are evidence-based.

We have a library of several different topics you can learn more about here, ranging from children’s health to making the most of doctor visits to nutrition and more!

We also offer a variety of online tools that are FREE and provide instant feedback that is confidential. You can use the results to get a general understanding of where you are or what you need from your healthcare providers.

These easy-to-use self-management tools can help you with:

  • Weight management
  • Quitting smoking and tobacco use
  • Physical activity
  • Healthy eating
  • Managing stress
  • Avoiding at-risk drinking
  • Mental health
  • Prediabetes
  • Screening tests & vaccines
  • Women’s health

And new for members are tools on Asthma and Allergies! You can

  • assess your asthma symptoms with a free test
  • fill out a short questionnaire on how well you’re controlling your asthma
  • create your own asthma action plan

To access these free online tools, please visit our website at, or call MPC’s Member Services Department at 1-800-953-8854. You can even contact the Prevention & Wellness team via email at

MyVirtualMPC – A Doctor is Just a Message Away

Chatting with a doctor is FREE with MyVirtualMPC.

Don’t waste time searching the internet for answers to your medical questions. Your FREE access to MyVirtualMPC gives you access to board-certified doctors who can help you address your medical questions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

With MyVirtualMPC, there are no appointments or wait times – simply connect with a doctor in seconds.


Chat with a doctor about any of the following if you or your child:

    • are sick, and you are not sure if you need to go to the emergency room
    • feel sick, but it’s not an emergency
    • have a minor injury
    • have general medical questions
    • want to refill a prescription (controlled substances, non-therapeutic, and certain other drugs may not be available)
    • are not sure where to go to get care

    Take advantage of your FREE access to doctors as a valued Maryland Physicians Care member:

    consumer advisors<br />

    MMAC is Looking for Consumer Representatives.

    The Maryland Medicaid Advisory Committee (MMAC) is currently looking for consumer representatives. The MMAC holds monthly meetings virtually on the fourth Thursday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. during the months of April through October, the third Thursday in November (due to Thanksgiving), and the fourth Monday during the months of January through March. The committee does not meet in August and December.

    As a member of the committee, you would attend meetings and provide the Maryland Department of Health and the MMAC with feedback on your experience as a user of the Medicaid Program. The commitment is for four years; however, you can resign your commitment early if necessary.

    If you are interested in being considered for a commitment please contact Carrol Barnes at for an overview of the committee and membership responsibilities.

    Advisory Board<br />

    You Can Make a Difference in the Services We Provide

    Apply for a position on our Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) if you are an MPC Member, can attend bi-monthly meetings, and are at least age 21.

    We are looking for young moms, a member with a chronic illness, and members with multiple health concerns. Meetings are conducted virtually.

    Fraud Alert Graphic


    MPC needs your help to prevent fraud and abuse! We encourage you to report anything suspicious you may have seen. You may report fraud and abuse without fearing retaliation by calling MPC’s Compliance Hotline at 1-866-781-6403 or visiting MPC Fraud and Abuse.




    to find information on:

    • Quality improvement program
    • Care management program
    • Population health programs
    • Health & wellness
    • Clinical practice guidelines
    • Utilization management, including decision-making criteria, affirmative statement, and staff availability
    • Pharmacy and prescription drug management
    • Benefits and coverage
    • Member rights and responsibilities
    • Protected health information use and disclosure
    • Member handbook
    • Provider directory

    If you do not have internet service, you can reach us by phone (numbers listed in “Who to Call” – below) for more information.

    Camm MPC




    Benefits, ID cards, appeals, PCP changes, etc.












